Day on the "battle field"
Yeah, another day of battle! A very bad morning shift struggling with Mirana, Janice and Sheryl. It started at 8am in the morning when patient in room 18 was not doing well. The surgeons came to review him and decided to insert IABP, while I was assisting with the insertion, I realised that the ECG was running VT/VF! Janice ran in with the E-trolley with Mirana and we started resuscitating the patient. CPR him, cardioverted 8 times and given 4 adrenaline. During the resuscitation, the surgeon continued with the IABP insertion and it was so messy and bloody. After IABP insertion, the surgeon announced that he wanted to insert ECMO machine for the patient. We were like "WHAT???!?!?! HERE????!?!?"
I have never assist in insertion of ECMO machine, I was rather worried because I DONT know how to assist. All of us were running like headless chickens assisting and searching for stuff that the surgeons wanted and everything has to be FAST! Fortunately the surgeons were very cool and calm and they did most of the stuff themselves. I was glad that we managed to pull through the "hard time" and we sent the patient to the other ICU as he was taken over management by the surgeon. In fact the patient woke up after we inserted the ECMO machine... uhmm its a great invention! All in all, this patient took us about 3 hours to settle him. We went for short breaks and came back for Swan ganz insertion for patient in room 21. SOOoooo many procedures until all the cutdown sets were being used up and I have some problems with the CSSD stuff on those sets, fortunately the problem was settled at the end of the shift.
DEAD TIRED now... maybe I shall take a nap...
I have never assist in insertion of ECMO machine, I was rather worried because I DONT know how to assist. All of us were running like headless chickens assisting and searching for stuff that the surgeons wanted and everything has to be FAST! Fortunately the surgeons were very cool and calm and they did most of the stuff themselves. I was glad that we managed to pull through the "hard time" and we sent the patient to the other ICU as he was taken over management by the surgeon. In fact the patient woke up after we inserted the ECMO machine... uhmm its a great invention! All in all, this patient took us about 3 hours to settle him. We went for short breaks and came back for Swan ganz insertion for patient in room 21. SOOoooo many procedures until all the cutdown sets were being used up and I have some problems with the CSSD stuff on those sets, fortunately the problem was settled at the end of the shift.
DEAD TIRED now... maybe I shall take a nap...
ya really work like shit tdae..lucky u noe wat to do..i'm so lost..lucky u all help mi to settle my pt..oso duno wat i'm writing in my report lo...thanz Pris,Miriana and Sheryl & not forgetting Lilian..whom standby d telemetry 4 us :)
Anonymous, at 11:41 PM
On the other hand, you did well.
that's relly great and only you knew it
HY, at 8:20 AM
we have good teamwork hehe... end of the day i felt great eventhough i was tired, great that we able to manage!
Phie Phie, at 11:13 PM
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