Shopping day...
Didnt plan to go shopping until I received sms from Elaine "Are we going out today?"... Yeah why not? I parked my car at Fortune centre then I thought why not go Kwan Im Thong since it is just nearby. Some time ago we were talking about going there because we are curious about the lot. We prayed and got our lots then we went to the counter to exchange for the interpretation slip. We cant really understand what the slip is trying to tell us so we read the interpretation booklet. The interpretation is pretty accurate and its kind of interesting!
Thereafter, elaine wanted to get a camera so I brought her to my friend's father's shop at Sim Lim and she got a casio exilim at a very reasonable price. Of course she is very contented and kept telling me "hey hey I got new camera leh"... We went over to the shops around bugis village and managed to grab some cheap stu
ff from there! Very satisfied with what we got, we then proceed to bugis shopping mall. We never realise that it was already 7pm, so we decided to take our dinner in one of the japanese restaurant. I wanted more green tea but elaine wanted to shop more than anything else so I have to bear with the "thirst"! (Now I am drinking beer lor, so thirsty!)
We went to one of the shop that I last bought my blouse. This time round, I got a pair of heels! I like it very much and it cost only $30! YEah! Shopping can really make a woman happy!
Retail therapy mah...
Maybe it was me who made U happy.. hahahahaha... (thick skin).
oops... sorry about the tea woh. Thought we were leaving. hee...
Anonymous, at 11:28 PM
i was so thirsty lor! humph!
Phie Phie, at 12:07 AM
Yea... my fault lor. That's why today asked U go yum cha... but U R not free. Nevermind. I treat U to something better!
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
Nice leh!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
icecoolz dont know how to appreciate lah, he got bad taste!
Phie Phie, at 11:31 PM
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