Phie Phie's Blog

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The "WHY" patient!

One of my patient today...

Dr ordered drip
Patient: Why must drip me?
Me: Coz during procedure Dr inject a lot of dye, it is to flush out the dye
Patient: Why must flush? I dont need to flush
Me: Otherwise may end up having some renal problem if the dye is not out
Patient: Why will have renal failure, I got no kidneys problem!

Drip occluded, pump beeped
Patient: Why beep?
Me: Occluded
Patient: Why occluded?
Me: Your arm pressing on the tubing so drip cant run hence beep
Patient: How come my arm can press till it beep?
Me: .... *rolled eyes!*

Ask him not to bend his leg
Patient: Why cannot bend?
Me: Otherwise may have haematoma or may bleed because the sheath still insitu
Patient: Wont bleed lah, I cannot dont bend! I want to bang sai....
Me: I get u a bedpan
Patient: I dont want bedpan, I want to go toilet
Me: U cant, I told u your shealth insitu and u cannot walk
Patient: Why?
Me: !!!!!!!!!! I am speaking from my experience so you have to listen to me!..... (%*%#@@&**@#*@)

After a while he was bleeding from the groin!
Patient: Why bleed?
Me: Coz u bend! (super angry with him!)
Patient: Change my pants, and my top, got blood! The doctor coming or not?????!!!?!?!?
He just want things his way...
Me: Can u wait, I have to put the drip through the sleeve then your hand can go through
Patient: Why? I wanna wear now
Me: If u want to wear also must wear it properly, the tubings are all over how to wear!
While trying to tidy the tubing he forced in his hand through the sleeve again and the plug almost came out! (His plug is very difficult to set!)
Me: HEY! The plug! Dont force your hand in can?????
Patient: I must wear!
Me: The drip and plug is very important, u need it!
Patient: No, wearing clothes very important otherwise I will catch a cold!
Me: @#$%&**^%$#@

He wanted to pass urine
Patient: Quick get the pot, I want to pass urine!!!!
Me: (Ran to get)
Patient: OHHHHH I wet the whole bed already, u are too slow!
Me: @#@$#@%%@%^@^&^%*&^*&^%$^%#%$&#^&$%^#%#%#$&%^&

OK! U WIN! I really cant stand him! Please transfer him out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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