Phie Phie's Blog

Friday, May 12, 2006

Enjoyed the night...

Went out at about 6plus this evening. Meeting Elaine for dinner at the Phoneix hotel that she was craving for. Well, the food was not too bad, but some dishes was quite disappointing. After dinner we went over to centepoint however most of the shops were closed. About 10pm we decided to walk to central mall to club momo. On the way, we met an old colleague, we chatted along the way and she left us around plaza singapura. We continued to walk to our destination, who knows when we reached club momo, we were told that they were having private function hence only those with coupon are allowed to enter. How disappointed... we headed to O bar. Our legs were tired from walking, but I think it is still better than tired from working! We waited in the O bar for our other colleagues to arrive. There were no queue initially however there were a very long queue after 11plus and our colleagues queue for almost 45mins before they can come in. The music was not too bad and the drinks are selling cheap. All in all, we enjoyed at the club!
Ok, will insert more pictures maybe tomorrow or some other day, I am sleepy now, good night everyone!


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