Problematic afternoon shift!

I was supposed to pick Elaine for work this afternoon. I spent some time blowing air-con because I felt really hot and humid in the car hence I was slightly late. Who knows this smart Elaine, thought that I was not going to pick her. When I reached the usual place then I received her sms "Dunno u picking me or not, I go already, in the cab now"! Hey pal, when did I ever say pick u and didnt appear!!!!!!!! Anyway she felt sorry and paid for the dinner this afternoon... OK lah next time dont act smart ah!
Problem number 2) Repeating my experience
When I went to work this afternoon, no doubt the topic would be "How was the lasik???"... then I started the story telling over and over again. Actually I dont mind sharing my experience with them! hehe...
Problem number 3) Visitors kept asking for direction
The total in ICU was 3 and we maintained it till the end of our shift. There are renovation going on at one of the station hence the way to the station is blocked. The visitors kept coming in to the ICU to ask for the way to the station. Therefore we decided to print a big note outside our ICU to guide them. Surprisingly it works! This problem was then solved.
Problem number 4) Patient kept having diarrhoea
My patient kept having diarrhoea, I have to keep changing her. The stool was so EEEEeeeee...
Problem number 5) Stained the chair
Besides taking care of our patients this afternoon, we bought some food to cook for dinner. There were vegetables, mushrooms, canned food, chicken etc and we dumped everything into the rice cooker with a soup base to cook. When I went into the room to check on the food, I saw that the soup was boiling out from the rice cooker and the best part was the soup dripped onto a chair! Well, we scrubbed the chair with medic wipes, alcohol swab, handrub, whatever we can think of but its a stubborn oil stained. We applied powder thinking that it might absorb the oil, though after that it seems better but the stained still there. Chuan kah noticed it and scrubbed it with soap and some water and finally the stubborn stained went off! Fortunately another problem solved, thank you chuan kah!
Problem number 6) Mouse in ICU
Jasmine was washing the bowls at the pantry after the dinner and out of a sudden she saw a MOUSE. Yes, a MOUSE in icu! Perhaps its due to the renovation... Whatever it is, we were screaming away and trying out all sorts of ways to catch it... it was hiding under the fridge and running behind the cupboard! Chuan kah trying to take a picture of it at the same time trying to use a towel to catch it. I was running around looking for props so that I can use them to cover it in case it runs out. I came to them with a dustbin cover, followed by a big red box that use to place our CSSD items and they, including myself just cant stop laughing over it! We were well prepared to catch the mouse but it just wouldnt want to appear! We decided to call the "fix it" man but the man replied that the housekeeping should be in charge of it. We then called the housekeeping, the housekeeper kept laughing over it until Jasmine got to swear that she is telling the truth! However we waited for about 10mins and they didnt appear. I called again and told them that its not a joke, they replied that they had already called the pest control man. I insisted that they come immediately to at least take a look at it and they came in 5mins time. Many didnt believe until they saw the mouse. Everyone was trying all sorts of funny ways to catch it. Like use a bread to lure it, bang the cupboard to scare it out... at the moment of time, I pity the mouse. Actually the mouse came out for the bread and ran in again, it must be hungry, poor mouse! When I was ready to go home, they were still waiting patiently for the mouse, the pest control man finally appeared at 9pm. Dont know what time will he be able catch the mouse, and I wonder what will happen to the mouse. Hope he wont kill it...
Yeah, it a problematic day but I enjoyed because there were amusing encounters and the shift was full of fun and laughter! (Anyone interested can refer to Elaine's blog for her version of this problematic afternoon shift!)
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