Yeah mummy no more blurred vision!

Phie phie: Mummy mummy, u got no more blurred vision already ah???!!!!! YEAH!
AT 1645HRS:
Dr Yip: Ok it wont take long, will be about half an hour, just keep looking at the red light like watching the TV.
Me: Ok
Dr Yip: Ok, we will start now... (flushing water into right eye) dont worry its just water, relax... Ok, suction, its a bit uncomfortable from now...
Me: Ok... (then after few seconds, everything went blank! Something pressing hard onto my eye!)
Dr Yip: Relax, a bit uncomfortable but u are doing very well... just focus at the red light.
Me: .... (blank how to look????? Die lah die lah.... hey, a bit painful... Palpitations....)
Dr Yip: Ok done! Now we shall proceed to the left eye... just do the same as I told u earlier.... u are doing very well!
Me: Ok... (eh, a bit painful leh.... how.... shivering...)
Dr Yip: Ok lets start again... focus on the red light...
Me: .... (few seconds later go blank again and I felt uncomfortable again... faster get it done leh.. )
Dr Yip: Dont move your eye, just look at the red light.
Me: Ok... (didnt move mah... I focusing!)
Dr Yip: Ehhh dont close your eyes!
Me: HUH I didnt!
Dr Yip: Open, open your eyes!
Me: I thought I am opening!!!!!! I cant control!
Dr Yip: Ok ok now your eye is open.... focus on the red light...
Me: .... OK .... (FOCUS!!!! Otherwise dont know what will happen!)
Dr Yip: YES, very good! Will be finishing pretty soon!
Me: (Quick man... so scary!)
Dr Yip: Ok, its done! U are doing very well!... (Pushing back the cornea)
Yes, its LASIK! I spent 20 years of my life wearing spectacles yet I only spent 20mins to correct the short sighted!!! Thanks to technology!!! Doing lasik is all the while my dream and finally on this Good Friday, my dream came true! HEHE I can finally say "FAREWELL" to spectacles!
Me: Yeah phie phie, yesterday mummy applied eye drops to dilate the pupils thats why got blurred vision! After the lasik, mummy will have perfect eye sight from today onwards!
Phie phie: WAH! We go eat bish to celebrate ok??!!!! YEAH YEAH!
For someone like u, who's afraid of procedures, U were very brave today. I give U a big pat on yr back... well done.
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM
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