The heels...
Probably some had read from elaine's blog that our colleague saw a "HEELS" during her night shift! It was about this colleage went for her break and slept alone in the MO's room. She was lying prone while she heard the door open (2am) and the sound of the heels walking towards her! At the same time (2am), another colleague from outside heard the opening of the door but she didnt went to check it out. The colleague in the room then felt "something" pressing on her, she tried to shout for help but she couldnt. After the "thing" left, she rushed out of the room, they talked about it only after everyone went for break.
Well, s
uch things does happen at times, especially in the hospital. One of the newspaper I read mentioned that because the brain wakes up before the person wakes up physically therefore people experienced "something pressing" on them. Perhaps.... the thing is I just cant understand the part where both of them, one outside and one in the room heard the door open
at 2am. The worst part is the poor colleague in the room heard the heels! Initially we were told that she saw the heels!!!!!! I think it is worst than hearing it! After elaine and I heard the story the very day, we both were not able to sleep at night... We kept imagine that what if we see the HEELS!!!! I imagined it was red and elaine thought it was black! hahaha so silly!
Well, s

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