Phie Phie's Blog

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Mum, happy mother's day!

First year spending mother's day without mum. Every year this time, I will think of where to have dinner and mum will always say "Dont go restaurants on this day, it is so much more expensive. Eat anywhere will do".
Days when she was well, she will even cook. Haaa mother's day mum cooks dinner for the family... mum just cannot stop "working". Last year, she was sick. We were having dinner at Meritus Mandarin and she didnt eat much as she has bad tummy ache. I can see she was feeling very lousy at that point of time but she didnt want to spoil the dinner so she tried to endure the pain.
How wonderful if mum is still around. We can celebrate mother's day together because I have also become a mother! ...
Wherever you are, mum, I wish you a very happy mother's day and you are the best!


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