These few days

SOOoo many days never blog.... Yeah lor, busy and .... tired .... I had my rest day last week on Sat and Sun. Did nothing much, just went out for window shopping and makan. The above were some food from my neighbour...

This was Sunday dinner at Suki sushi. It was good!
My two evening were really busy. Monday, the ICU was very occupied then many things to handle in the side stations (Resus, AOR, searching for beds). I spent most of my time helping out in the ICU.
Today, the HD/ ICA was busy. Needed beds for DEM and procedure cases. I felt very bad to allocate patients to either side because I knew that they were very busy. I tried to help but how much can I help??? I really feel that something need to be done, each station are struggling with 2 staff but the management still think that we are "over staff". Is that so??? Currently, the staff were able to finish their work because they sacrifice their break time and they have to "dehydrate" themselves so that they dont have to visit the toilet. I would say if the management really want quality, we wont be able to provide. No time to PR or take very good care of the patients lor! Sigh... I dont know lah, I am not in the position to say anything.... and I dont like the role of allocating patients, it makes me feels bad.

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