Steamboat just came to my mind yesterday so thought of Marina South instantly. Though I know I will stink after the dinner I dont mind coz I was wearing shorts and T-shirt only. I remember the last time I went was last year with Nathan, Alvin and Sitilok. It took me almost one and a half hour to go from AMK to Marina South due to the jam and I did not enjoy the dinner at all. It spoilt my mood!
This time round, I was more relax however the food was so so only. The scallops, crab and prawns were fresh and tasty but the rest of the ingredients were too salty. Uhmmm didnt eat a lot because end of the day the stomach was filled up with the greasy food.
Has been working since last Thursday and everyday seems to be such long day! I am counting down and looking forward to my rest day on Friday! So tired and sleepy that I fell asleep within 3mins every night (that is unusual for me coz usually I take at least half an hour!).........
Going to work soon...........
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