A busy 2nd night
We (Renu, Regine and myself) took over from the "very busy" afternoon staff who resuscitated a very sick patient. The patient couldnt make it hence they did the necessity and handed to us. We only have to wait for the morturary team to fetch the patient to the morturary. After the body was removed, we left with only one empty bed. We thought we were quite safe because the most (if there is) we may take another one or two patients hence we sat down, enjoyed the peach that Luo Tao brought for us, took our time to write report and left the 3 sponging till later. (ITS DEFINATELY A WRONG MOVE!)

Around 2305hrs I received a call informed me that there was a resus went on in our general ward and they needed help. I went up with my nurse manager to check out the situation. Patient was in a rather bad shape, we assisted with the resus and reckoned that the patient would not be able to make it. After about 12 adrenaline and 4 atropine, 1 shock, patient's rhythm was still in idioventricular rhythm hence the registrar told me that I can go back to my ICU most probably the patient need not have to transfer to the ICU.
I strolled back and told Renu and Regine. We kept our stuff that we prepared to receive the patient. After 10minutes, guess what? General ward staff called us and informed that the patient was back and would be transfer to us! It was really a shock to me man! When I left the patient, he already has got no rhythm. I supposed he was waiting to see his family members.....
We started and max all the 4 intropes after he came to us. His BP was extremely low however I guess we have done our very best ~ at least the family get to see him.......
Besides occupied with the above patient, we were also busy with the call bells! Its always the two senile patients who kept calling us for "water, pass urine, rub oil, food...... water..food..." and it went on and on and on..........
I cant imagine we started sponging at 0530hrs! The 3 of us were terribly tired, extremely sleepy and awfully hungry! We ordered Mac and spent some time to gobble up the food before we started our routines.
YEAH! Finally last night tonight! Renu said "No 'stunts' tonight ok, we shall do sponging early"! Hahahaha yeah, dont take the risk, we never know when we will be busy!

Around 2305hrs I received a call informed me that there was a resus went on in our general ward and they needed help. I went up with my nurse manager to check out the situation. Patient was in a rather bad shape, we assisted with the resus and reckoned that the patient would not be able to make it. After about 12 adrenaline and 4 atropine, 1 shock, patient's rhythm was still in idioventricular rhythm hence the registrar told me that I can go back to my ICU most probably the patient need not have to transfer to the ICU.
I strolled back and told Renu and Regine. We kept our stuff that we prepared to receive the patient. After 10minutes, guess what? General ward staff called us and informed that the patient was back and would be transfer to us! It was really a shock to me man! When I left the patient, he already has got no rhythm. I supposed he was waiting to see his family members.....
We started and max all the 4 intropes after he came to us. His BP was extremely low however I guess we have done our very best ~ at least the family get to see him.......
Besides occupied with the above patient, we were also busy with the call bells! Its always the two senile patients who kept calling us for "water, pass urine, rub oil, food...... water..food..." and it went on and on and on..........
I cant imagine we started sponging at 0530hrs! The 3 of us were terribly tired, extremely sleepy and awfully hungry! We ordered Mac and spent some time to gobble up the food before we started our routines.
YEAH! Finally last night tonight! Renu said "No 'stunts' tonight ok, we shall do sponging early"! Hahahaha yeah, dont take the risk, we never know when we will be busy!
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