HKW & HKL's wedding + Devils Bar

Ready to go for the wedding dinner of HKW & HKL at Inter-continental hotel!

Nathan as KW and me and Wati as KL! This is how they posed for some of their wedding pictures and we imitated them! Haaaaaaa nothing better to do!

The lovely couple!


Walla, Sitilok, Alvin and Nathan

Mirana, Ryan, Nathan, Alvin, Jon and Jonathan

Joyce, Candy, Terrance, Nathan, Walla, Bala....

Dylan, Jimmy, Bala, Kevin, Sitilok, Candy and Joyce

Lastly, Bala, Sitilok, Candy and William!!!!!!!
2 weeks ago we already planned to go Devils and last night surprisingly all of them turned up! Such a nice group of friends I have! CHEERZZZZZZZ!
It was like a "mini drinkerz" at Devils hehehehe and guess what time I went home?????? 5am in the morning! WOW, it is the first time I go home sooooo "early" after clubbing!!!!!!!!

Ready to go for the wedding dinner of HKW & HKL at Inter-continental hotel!

Nathan as KW and me and Wati as KL! This is how they posed for some of their wedding pictures and we imitated them! Haaaaaaa nothing better to do!

The lovely couple!


Walla, Sitilok, Alvin and Nathan

Mirana, Ryan, Nathan, Alvin, Jon and Jonathan

Joyce, Candy, Terrance, Nathan, Walla, Bala....

Dylan, Jimmy, Bala, Kevin, Sitilok, Candy and Joyce

Lastly, Bala, Sitilok, Candy and William!!!!!!!
2 weeks ago we already planned to go Devils and last night surprisingly all of them turned up! Such a nice group of friends I have! CHEERZZZZZZZ!
It was like a "mini drinkerz" at Devils hehehehe and guess what time I went home?????? 5am in the morning! WOW, it is the first time I go home sooooo "early" after clubbing!!!!!!!!
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