Training part 2 + good and bad day
Men~ supress their feelings. Remember in ancient times they are the hunters, they have to hunt for food for themselves and the family so they have to supress their feelings to kill animals.
Women~ they stay in the cave to look after babies right, hence they are the high feelings people, they are the "response" kind of person and their speech often tied with feelings.
HENCE women like to say to their husband/ boyfriend "I FEEL you dont love me!!!"
While men will always answer "Cant you SEE that I .....". Men are more VISUAL (hunters mah), That explains why in general they are better drivers. They "SEE" and see far (but not near! They cant see things that is right in front of them! Heeeee)
Additionally, women like to talk/express right (men see it as grumble), actually they just want the men to listen to them but the men are more to problem solving. They will plan for solution so that women will stop talking about it.
Heeee another interesting day at the training centre.

Lunch time, Mirana dragged me to pluck eyebrows!!!! WAHHH painful lah! I concluded women generally spent much more than men, they must spend money on pedicure/manicure, go salon and even to pluck eyebrow!!! GOSH!
Generally the whole day was good until evening. I bought a digital camera then received a news that upset me :( ... then I was like wanted to loiter around since nothing to do and was so upset so wanted to spend money to make myself feel better. However no mood to shop then wanted to look for a toilet, the toilets were either under renovation or else was too crowded! I got frustrated so I wanted to take a bus home, when I reached the bus stop, there is no bus to my destination. I got more frustrated and decided to take a cab. Guess what???? Yeah massive jam. The fare was actually only 7plus but added ERP $1.50 and peak surcharge $2! Its almost more expensive than driving on my own! The taxi driver insisted that the ERP shouldnt be $1.50 I told him I saw $1.50, he printed the slip and asked me to take a second look because he cant see the small numbers. I told him its truly $1.50. He smiled at me and said "Didnt know they still charge so much during school holidays, anyway you are very honest!" Heeeeee a little compliment from him made me feel so much better and forgotten about my bad day!!! Thanks "uncle"!

I sms Nathan and told her about my day. She suggested we meet for dinner. We went drinkerz instead and ordered the "best in south east asia" chicken wings. Ordered 6 pieces wings and enjoyed with a jug of beer. Later came Sitilok and ordered another 6 pieces of wings and open up my Macallian. We finished everything and a total of 2 jugs of beer. Alvin came later and Nathan drove his car back while he stayed. Nathan got to work morning today but its okay tonight we shall enjoy okie!
Tonight we are going clubbing after the wedding dinner! YEAH!!!!!!!
i will be away for a pretty long time. So you take care of yourself. Manage your finance a little. Okie??? Okie??? nag too much??? The link zooms into the best saving plans, fixed deposit. Have a look. Take good care. Have you ever wonder, the man you are looking for is just right in front of you? ke ke ke
Anonymous, at 10:23 PM
hey... go take a look hor. perhaps i will catch you before... i am gone.. ta ta. You are stunning.
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
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