Supper again!
Just came back from supper with Eugene. Actually didnt want to go out tonight because its the first day of the 7th month (after 12MN)!!! Heehehee... but ... I was hungry so I went to the S-11 nearby to have my favourite BBQ chicken wings! Oh then Eugene ordered fishballs (AGAIN! Yeah last night I just ate fishball noodles!) and fish cake. He got his "
unique" way of eating the fishballs and hahahahhahaha the way he did it was so funny! Anyway.... I enjoyed the supper with JayEugene. Yeah, he speaks like Jay Chow, or maybe there's something wrong with my ears that I always need to ask him to repeat! Ok, he will read this, I better stop.
Took a picture of his "wife" but it was too dark (sorry dude, I know its still blur but I have done my best to edit the picture! Better than nothing right?!) then he is getting his "2nd wife" from the workshop tomorrow. Shall take a picture of his "2nd wife" to compare with the first one see which is more "CHIO"! Hehehehehe........

Took a picture of his "wife" but it was too dark (sorry dude, I know its still blur but I have done my best to edit the picture! Better than nothing right?!) then he is getting his "2nd wife" from the workshop tomorrow. Shall take a picture of his "2nd wife" to compare with the first one see which is more "CHIO"! Hehehehehe........
The pic not clear leh... can't see the bike! Nevermind lah.
He speaks like Jay Chow??? Like Bel??? Oh no!!!
Anonymous, at 12:52 AM
Mirror Mirror on the wall
who is the "CHIOiest of all"....
You lor.... BALA....
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
Thanks u anonymous, how come you call yourself anonymous, u left many comments but no name??!!!?
Phie Phie, at 10:29 PM
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Anonymous, at 3:37 AM
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