2nd night...
Just ended my second night an hour ago, we were occupied towards the end of the shift. I took an irritating patient at 0130hrs, I was still able to "tahan" him in the beginning but towards the end my blood boils! (will tell the story later...)
Oh well then one of the patient was admitted to the other station for APO but less than 10mins he needed intubation! He was very breathless and restless upon arrival to the ICU. That was around 0520hrs.
Just when we almost finish with this patient, another very sick patient collapsed and threw VT (So funny, Alice was shouting from the room and Belinda was yelling from the counter!)We went in and resuscitated the patient, given 3 shocks, 3 adrenaline and 1 atropine. He came back for a while but threw VT again... the same action went on and on until the morning staff came.My legs are tired now....
So last night there is no "irritating specimen" but an "irritating patient".... I have already heard from my on call registrar that the patient that is coming is "FON". I was prepared... I went to fetch him from the laboratory back to the ICU. He said:
1) Eh when I go back to the ward, the first thing I want is to eat! I am very hungry!
2) Why must I stay in ICU? I felt ok! I want to go home after 6 hours. You said 6 hours cannot bend my leg right? I will go home when I can bend.
3) Why ICU air con so strong? I cannot stand it, I dont want to stay here!
4) Pt: Dont need to order diet for me, I hate hospital food, I will go down tomorrow to buy food!
Me: As long as u are in the ICU, u are not allowed to walk.
Pt: WHY? I dont care! I want to walk, I am ok now!
5) I dont care, I want to bend my legs otherwise I cant sleep!
6) Pt: I dont know how to explain but I am uncomfortable
Me: Where is the discomfort? U must tell me then I can help
Pt: Dont know I just very uncomfortable
Me: Like what? Breathless or pain anywhere?
Pt: Maybe... maybe is breathless...
Me: (rolled eyes!!!!!) Ok I give u O2
Pt: Eh I still feel uncomfortable
Me: What now?
Pt: Dont know.... maybe is still breathless
Me: NEVER MIND I dont know what is your problem, I ask the Dr to examine u!
7) Pt: You all want to do dialysis tonight? Eh u all said I cant walk, cant bend then u think I can go dialysis centre to do ah? What u all talking about?
Me: Excuse me sir, for your information, dialysis can be done in the ICU! Dont need u to GO DOWN LOR!
8) Pt: Before dialysis I MUST drink TEH-O! Its a must! U must make one for me
Me: U said u are breathless and now the dialysis has not even started yet u want to drink?
Pt: Drink Teh-O is a must! I wont get breathless after drinking, there is no water in my lungs, I can drink!
Our actions started around at point number 6! We were so busy and yet he was complaining about.... about NOTHING! He dont even know what is wrong with himself! SIGH......
By the way, the patient we resuscitated died at 0720hrs.
Uhmm wanted to upload pictures from Nathan's camera but I am too tired now... shall do it later!
Oh well then one of the patient was admitted to the other station for APO but less than 10mins he needed intubation! He was very breathless and restless upon arrival to the ICU. That was around 0520hrs.
Just when we almost finish with this patient, another very sick patient collapsed and threw VT (So funny, Alice was shouting from the room and Belinda was yelling from the counter!)We went in and resuscitated the patient, given 3 shocks, 3 adrenaline and 1 atropine. He came back for a while but threw VT again... the same action went on and on until the morning staff came.My legs are tired now....
So last night there is no "irritating specimen" but an "irritating patient".... I have already heard from my on call registrar that the patient that is coming is "FON". I was prepared... I went to fetch him from the laboratory back to the ICU. He said:
1) Eh when I go back to the ward, the first thing I want is to eat! I am very hungry!
2) Why must I stay in ICU? I felt ok! I want to go home after 6 hours. You said 6 hours cannot bend my leg right? I will go home when I can bend.
3) Why ICU air con so strong? I cannot stand it, I dont want to stay here!
4) Pt: Dont need to order diet for me, I hate hospital food, I will go down tomorrow to buy food!
Me: As long as u are in the ICU, u are not allowed to walk.
Pt: WHY? I dont care! I want to walk, I am ok now!
5) I dont care, I want to bend my legs otherwise I cant sleep!
6) Pt: I dont know how to explain but I am uncomfortable
Me: Where is the discomfort? U must tell me then I can help
Pt: Dont know I just very uncomfortable
Me: Like what? Breathless or pain anywhere?
Pt: Maybe... maybe is breathless...
Me: (rolled eyes!!!!!) Ok I give u O2
Pt: Eh I still feel uncomfortable
Me: What now?
Pt: Dont know.... maybe is still breathless
Me: NEVER MIND I dont know what is your problem, I ask the Dr to examine u!
7) Pt: You all want to do dialysis tonight? Eh u all said I cant walk, cant bend then u think I can go dialysis centre to do ah? What u all talking about?
Me: Excuse me sir, for your information, dialysis can be done in the ICU! Dont need u to GO DOWN LOR!
8) Pt: Before dialysis I MUST drink TEH-O! Its a must! U must make one for me
Me: U said u are breathless and now the dialysis has not even started yet u want to drink?
Pt: Drink Teh-O is a must! I wont get breathless after drinking, there is no water in my lungs, I can drink!
Our actions started around at point number 6! We were so busy and yet he was complaining about.... about NOTHING! He dont even know what is wrong with himself! SIGH......
By the way, the patient we resuscitated died at 0720hrs.
Uhmm wanted to upload pictures from Nathan's camera but I am too tired now... shall do it later!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
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