This evening met Nathan, Sitilok and Dylan for buffet dinner again. This time was at Noble h
ouse (Tung Lok) that cost only $40 per head. We ordered almost 18 dishes and many desserts!!! We managed to finish everything but we only realised that we were so bloated when we were about to leave the restaurant! We repeated our mistakes again and again and again... we reflected each time and told each other that we shouldnt eat or order too much the next time but... the same thing happen again and again... How come we dont learn our lessons?????
We had beer at Paulaner after dinner. We made the right choice actually, havent been there for quite some time and the beer remains its standard. GOOD!
Ivan came to join us later and we spent the evening talking about how bloated we were and started to reflect again. However I am very sure the next time the same thing will happen again hahahahaha wanna bet?????

We had beer at Paulaner after dinner. We made the right choice actually, havent been there for quite some time and the beer remains its standard. GOOD!
Ivan came to join us later and we spent the evening talking about how bloated we were and started to reflect again. However I am very sure the next time the same thing will happen again hahahahaha wanna bet?????

Hi Jiayi, I saw a pic of a guy whom u when drinking after yr buffet. He looks familiar to me. Is he a former policeman?
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
Haha... U must be talking about Dylan.
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
yeah he is a former policeman but he dont know u i think coz many years ago i told him u also policeman but he dont seems to know u
Phie Phie, at 10:12 PM
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