My new hair colour
Just highlighted my hair yesterday morning. The colour was chosen by my hair stylist Timothy and I am quite satisfied with it. Most of my colleagues told me that its nicely done and the colour suits me! Hmmm very good, worth the money! HeHe...
I was quite sleepy today, dont know wh
y... During work, there is this very famous, VERY naggy dialysis nurse kept nagging and nagging and nagging and........ NAGGING.... AND NAGGING.... then she flooded my room and the water nearly flow to the counter!!!!!!! THENNNNNN she started to NAG NAG NAG about the machine, about the patient, about the orders...... Finally she went for break and PHEW I can at least be free from her nagging for an hour!
If I took pictures at work means that the shift was ok haha! Yeah, I took picture of my hair and with Walla... Was glad that today was not as busy as the past week! (Sigh.... see, I looked so tired in the picture... no makeup, so pale... can see eyebag, dark circles... sigh....I better go to bed...)
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